• structured message
  • structured communication
  • structured reference
Article updated by Anna 1 year 4 months ago - 1 min read

How do I create a structured communication when making a transfer?

A transfer with a structured communication is a combination of three groups of 12 (three, four and five, respectively) digits (e.g., +++090/9337/55493++) separated by a slash. There are always three plus signs or stars before and after the communication.

In some  banks, the plus signs (+) and slashes (/) are already pre-filled.
At Nickel, the signs are not pre-populated, we ask you to fill them in manually for the moment. This will ensure a structured communication.

So, if you want to make a transaction with a structured communication, here are the steps to follow:

Via the Nickel Application:

  1. Click on 'TRANSACTIONS'
  2. Then click on 'New transfer'.
  3. Then click on the desired beneficiary.
  4. Fill in the amount to be sent
  5. In the box 'Label' you can fill in the structured communication

    For example: 

  6. Then click on 'Next'.
  7. You will then see the overview of your transaction.
  8. Finally, click on 'Make a transfer'.

    And that's it!


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